EBP Briefs
The EBP Briefs library consists of research-informed, single-page, double-sided documents focusing on various topics to assist with your EBP implementation. The briefs are arranged in a set of seven different series that target an array of EBP topics and stakeholder audiences. New briefs will be added regularly.
Evidence-Based Practices Overview Series
For All Justice System Practitioners
Eight key evidence-based practices.
Explanations of the risk, need, and responsivity principles and how they should be applied.
Overview of the factors that are correlated with recidivism and responses to help address each factor.
Court Series
For Judges, Prosecutors, Defense Counsel
Types of assessments and how they are used in the justice system.
Research surrounding sentencing practices and strategies for improving those practices.
Justice system practices, potential harms, and ways to mitigate those harms and increase success rates.
General and special conditions, and four key tips for developing impactful conditions.
Explanation of procedural justice, the six pillars of procedural justice, and ways to positively impact procedural justice.
Case Management Series
For Probation and Parole
Ways to adjust practices when working with populations who have specific needs, such as people who commit sex offenses or have engaged in intimate partner violence (domestic violence).
Strategies for managing low, moderate, and high risk DUI populations including interventions to address behaviors that put people at risk for future DUI.
Ways to adjust practices when working women who are justice-involved.
Strategies for supervising people at low risk of recidivism.
Strategies for supervising people at moderate or high risk of recidivism.
Strategies for supervising people at a very high risk of recidivism.
The importance of building rapport, strategies for building rapport, potential challenges, and solutions.
The responsivity principle, why it matters, and how to align program elements and staff approaches with individual attributes.
Accountability and behavior change responses to noncompliance, principles for responding to noncompliance, do’s and don’ts of responses, and ways to structure responses.
Types of reinforcement, do’s and don’ts of reinforcement, and ways to structure reinforcements.
The importance of the correct dosage, intensity, and duration of correctional intervention; dosage, duration, and intensity guidelines; and sources of dosage.
The road map that shows what people will be working on during their time on supervision and how they will get there.
Positive changes in criminogenic needs are associated with reductions in criminal offending.
The road map that shows what people will be working on during their time on supervision and how they will get there.
Programming Series
For Service Providers
Characteristics of effective interventions and tools to evaluate program effectiveness.
Strategies to prevent and respond to relapses.
Overview of stabilization factors (e.g., housing, physical and mental health), ways stabilization factors impact outcomes, and strategies to address these factors.
Impacts of trauma, five key principles of trauma-informed care, and strategies for translating these principles into practice.
The importance of involving family in supervision and strategies to engage family.
Research and Data Series
For Analysts and QA Coordinators
Types of research studies, questions to help evaluate the quality of studies, and research standards.
Reasons for developing performance measures, steps for developing measures, and sample measures.
Areas of focus for CQI, CQI activities, and tips from experts.
Partnership Series
For Justice System Stakeholders
Questions to help assess collaboration around EBP implementation efforts.
New! Stakeholder Buy-in
Sharing your vision for the need for change and what benefits it will deliver.
The top 10 things judges can do to bolster evidence-based practices.
Evidence-based practices that prosecutors can use and encourage to increase community well-being and safety and to reduce risk.
Benefits of evidence-based practices, ways defense attorneys can get involved, and common challenges and solutions.
Practices for probation and parole to use moving forward, benefits of these practices, and potential challenges.
Roles and positive impacts of victim service providers.
A primer on evidence-based practices for community members, ways that communities can engage in the justice system, and strategies for justice system agencies to connect with the community.
Six ways that law enforcement can support an evidence-based approach.
Organizational Culture Series
For Justice System Leaders
Help staff consolidate and apply knowledge and skills learned in training.
Definition and impacts of person-first language along with a mini-glossary.
15 tips for encouraging staff buy-in for successful EBP implementation.