Member Resources
County Adult Probation & Parole Advisory Committee (CAPPAC)
The CAPPAC was established by Act 2019-114. The Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. The CAPPAC, with the review and approval of the Commission, shall: * Direct technical assistance to evidence-based practices* Review and comment on grant applications for county intermediate punishment and discretionary grants. * Develop a funding plan for county adult probation and parole departments that includes county intermediate punishment programs, discretionary grants, and Grant in Aid funds.* Advise on all matters pertaining to the administration of the county adult probation and parole system.* Analyze data to identify trends and to determine the effectiveness of programs and practices to ensure the reasonable and efficient administration of the county adult probation and parole system.* Make recommendations and adopt standards for probation and parole personnel, including standards for services, caseload standards, risk assessment, responses to violations, collection of restitution, and other evidence-based programs and practices. * Assist the PCCD in the implementation of 42 Pa. C.S. Ch. 98 (County Intermediate Punishment).* Provide annual reports to the Governor and General Assembly on the distribution and use of funding.
3rd edition (adopted 6/12/2024)