Surveys and Inquiries
2025 Topical Survey Results: (click on survey title for summary document)
Survey - Courtroom Security by Adult Probation (1-14-2025)
2024 Topical Survey Results: (click on survey title for summary document)
Survey - Use of Supervision Fees (10-16-2024)
Survey - AHSS Transfer fee (8-19-2024)
Survey - Work From Home Policy (5-23-2024)
Survey - Central Processing (3-26-2024)
Survey - Trangender People on Supervision; Searches & Drug Screens (3-6-2024)
Survey - Probation Administrative Fees (2-24-2024)
Survey - Supervision Fees (2-2024)
Survey - Salaries (2-2024)
Survey - Issuing ID to Parolees (1-23-2024)
Survey - DRO Failure to Pay (1-12-2024)
Survey - TASER Recertification (1-3-2024)
2023 Topical Survey Results: (click on survey title for summary document)
Survey - Probation Officer Drug Testing (12-13-2023)
Survey - Work Release Inmates Social Media Posting (11-28-2023)
Survey - Reentry Coordinator for Problem Solving Court (11-9-2023)
Survey - County Vehichles With Probation Department (11-8-2023)
Survey - Opioid Federal Money (10-19-2023)
Survey - Court Public Information Officer (10-16-2023)
Survey - Nontraditional Work Schedule (9-27-2023)
Survey - Collections Officers (8-16-2023)
Survey - PO Cell Phone Policy (8-10-2023)
Survey - LEOSA (8-4-2023)
Survey - Service Provider on CJAB (8-2-2023)
Survey - Social Media Policy (7-11-2023)
Survey - Prisoner Movement Within Courthouse (6-21-2023)
Survey - Specialized Assessment by county (5-2023)
Survey - Caseload Size and Structure by county (3-2023) Note data is from the end of 2022
Survey - Community Service to Reduce Financial Obligations (2-15-2023)
Survey - JPO Drug Testing, JPO & APO Assists, Transports (2-9-2023)
Survey - Firearms Holster (2-3-2023)
Survey - Physical Fitness Test or Standards for Employment (2-1-2023)
Survey - Requirement To Carry Firearm (1-31-2023)
Survey - EM, RF, GPS, AM Fees and Vendors (1-27-2023)
Survey - Oversight of Gagnon 1 Hearings (1-27-2023)
Survey - Compensation for in House Trainers (1-27-2023)
Survey - ADA or Statt Attorney for Violations and Other Proceedings (1-27-2023)
Survey - Office Building, Rent, Utilities (1-19-2023)
Survey - Supervision Fund & Issuance of Checks (1-11-2023)
Survey - EM After Hours Warrants (1-10-2023)
Survey - PACfile (1-9-2023)
Survey - Solicitor for Probation Department (1-6-2023)
Survey - Offsite Drug Testing (1-5-2023)
2022 Topical Survey Results: (click on survey title for summary document)
Survey - Mentor Program (11-28-2022)
Survey - Psychological for Pre-Employment (11-2-2022)
Survey - Drug Testing Lab Services (10-28-2022)
Survey - State Parole Violation with Consecutive Probation (10-25-2022)
Survey - Aggressive Dog Restrictions (7-20-2022)
Survey - Hospital Duty (7-18-2022)
Survey - PO Recruitment and Hiring Process (7-6-2022)
Survey - PO as Part Time Police Officer (6-28-2022)
Survey - Notification of Constitutional Rights (6-22-2022)
Survey - Wrist GPS or RF Device (6-21-2022)
Survey - Resistance to Act 57 (Law Enforcement Background Investigation & Employment Act (5-17-2022)
Survey - Turnover & Retention (3-31-2022)
Survey - Supervisor / Leadership Training (3-23-2022)
Survey - COVID Antigen Tests (1-24-2022)
Survey - Salary: Chief, Deputy, Supervisors, POs (1-2022)
2021 Topical Survey Results: (click on survey title for summary document)
Survey - Non Traditional Office Hours (11-1-2021)
Survey - Act 57 Employment/hiring/separation MPOETC database (6-15-2021)
Survey - Juneteenth Holiday (6-15-2021)
Survey - ORAS / LSI-R Completing Assessment (4-19-2021)
Survey - MAT Policy (4-13-2021)
Survey - Medical Marijuana Policy / County employees (1-20-2021)
Survey - Drug Testing During Pandemic (1-15-2021)
2020 Topical Survey Results: (click on survey title for summary document)
Survey - PO Classification / Step System (11-3-2020)
Survey - Salary Increase for PO with Master's Degree (10-29-2020)
Survey - PSI Sentencing Recommendation (9-1-2020)
Survey - Overtime for Chief PO/Director (7-21-2020)
Survey - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy (7-17-2020)
Survey - Cell Phone Search Warrant (7-1-2020)
Survey - Green Phase / Staff Back Full Time (6-24-2020)
Survey - Keeping Firearms While Under ARD Supervision (6-22-2020) Survey - Credit Card Payment Collections (6-16-2020) Survey - Online Program for Offenders (6-10-2020) Survey - Drug Testing Protocol During COVID-19 (6-2-2020) Survey - Criminal History Record Information (6-1-2020) Survey - Retired PO Request to Carry Firearm (5-5-2020) Survey - County Response to COVID-19 / Furloughs and County Practices (4-8-2020) Survey - Gagnon 2 Waivers (3-19-2020)
Survey - Staff Tuition Reimbursement (3-10-2020)
Survey - Probation DRO Contempt (2-13-2020)
Survey - Condition of Supervision / No Firearms (2-4-2020) Survey - Active Offender Acting in Capacity of a Confidential Informant (1-31-2020) Survey - Terminonogy Used for People Under Supervision (1-28-2020)
Survey - Cell Phone Search Warrant (7-1-2020)
Survey - Green Phase / Staff Back Full Time (6-24-2020)
Survey - Keeping Firearms While Under ARD Supervision (6-22-2020) Survey - Credit Card Payment Collections (6-16-2020) Survey - Online Program for Offenders (6-10-2020) Survey - Drug Testing Protocol During COVID-19 (6-2-2020) Survey - Criminal History Record Information (6-1-2020) Survey - Retired PO Request to Carry Firearm (5-5-2020) Survey - County Response to COVID-19 / Furloughs and County Practices (4-8-2020) Survey - Gagnon 2 Waivers (3-19-2020)
Survey - Staff Tuition Reimbursement (3-10-2020)
Survey - Probation DRO Contempt (2-13-2020)
Survey - Condition of Supervision / No Firearms (2-4-2020) Survey - Active Offender Acting in Capacity of a Confidential Informant (1-31-2020) Survey - Terminonogy Used for People Under Supervision (1-28-2020)
2019 Topical Survey Results: (click on survey title for summary document)
Survey - Bid for Drug Testing Supplies/Service (10-11-2019)
Survey - Monthly Payment Plan (10-10-2019)
Survey - Domestic Violence PO/Caseload (10-7-2019)
Survey - Disparity in Salaries: Non-union/Union (9-3-2019)
Survey - Drug Testing Methods (8-27-2019)
Survey - ICE: Policies/Procedures (8-14-2019)
Survey - Comp Time vs. OT (8-1-2019)
Survey - Parenting Inside Out Program (7-19-2019)
Survey - Confidentiality Guide (7-15-2019)
Survey - Zero Tolerance Condition (7-14-2019)
Survey - Risk Assessment Tool Used (7-8-2019)
Survey - Use of CBD Products (5-29-2019)
Survey - Day Report Centers (5-17-2019)
Survey - Confiscated Firearms (5-10-2019)
Survey - 3rd Class Counties / Deputy Chiefs (4-22-2019)
Survey - Central Court (3-15-2019)
Survey - Medical Marihuana Prohibition (3-15-2019)
Survey - PAC File ERMS (2-25-2019)
Survey - Sale of County Firearms (2-19-2019)
Survey - K9 Policy (2-19-2019)
Survey - Sanction Policy (2-21-2019)
Survey - Cognative Behavorial Therapy Programs (1-31-2019)
Survey - Clothing Allowance (1-23-2019)
Survey - MAT Policy (1-25-2019)
Survey - Bi Lingual PO Job Description (1-15-2019)
Survey - Drug Testing Confirmations (1-4-2019)
Survey - Taser / Sample Policy (1-4-2019)
Survey - Bid for Drug Testing Supplies/Service (10-11-2019)
Survey - Monthly Payment Plan (10-10-2019)
Survey - Domestic Violence PO/Caseload (10-7-2019)
Survey - Disparity in Salaries: Non-union/Union (9-3-2019)
Survey - Drug Testing Methods (8-27-2019)
Survey - ICE: Policies/Procedures (8-14-2019)
Survey - Comp Time vs. OT (8-1-2019)
Survey - Parenting Inside Out Program (7-19-2019)
Survey - Confidentiality Guide (7-15-2019)
Survey - Zero Tolerance Condition (7-14-2019)
Survey - Risk Assessment Tool Used (7-8-2019)
Survey - Use of CBD Products (5-29-2019)
Survey - Day Report Centers (5-17-2019)
Survey - Confiscated Firearms (5-10-2019)
Survey - 3rd Class Counties / Deputy Chiefs (4-22-2019)
Survey - Central Court (3-15-2019)
Survey - Medical Marihuana Prohibition (3-15-2019)
Survey - PAC File ERMS (2-25-2019)
Survey - Sale of County Firearms (2-19-2019)
Survey - K9 Policy (2-19-2019)
Survey - Sanction Policy (2-21-2019)
Survey - Cognative Behavorial Therapy Programs (1-31-2019)
Survey - Clothing Allowance (1-23-2019)
Survey - MAT Policy (1-25-2019)
Survey - Bi Lingual PO Job Description (1-15-2019)
Survey - Drug Testing Confirmations (1-4-2019)
Survey - Taser / Sample Policy (1-4-2019)
2018 Topical Survey Results: (click on survey title for summary document)
Survey - Electronic Monitoring Fees (11-26-2018)
Survey - Concealed vs. Non-Concealed Weapons (11-14-2018)
Survey - Gagnon I Hearing / County Cases (10-31-2018)
Survey - Gagon I Hearing / Special Probation / 325's (10-31-2018)
Survey - Arrest Training (10-29-2018)
Survey - Oversight of Pretrial Services (10-5-2018)
Survey - PO Carry/Use of Tasers (9-26-2018)
Survey - Body Cameras (9-21-2018)
Survey - Thinking for a Change (9-14-2018)
Survey - Specialized Collections Unit (8-29-2018)
Survey - Training Coordinator (8-8-2018)
Survey - Concealed Carry Permit (8-1-2018)
Survey - Drug Testing Fee (7-17-2018)
Survey - Gagnon Hearings (5-11-2018)
Survey - UCM Case Notes Access (4-27-2018)
Survey - Early Termination of Probation or CIP (4-24-2018)
Survey - Contact Requirements (4-23-2018)
Survey - Arrest Teams (4-18-2018)
Survey - ICOTS Application (4-13-2018)
Survey - Unionized Staff; On-Call Stipends (4-11-2018)
Survey - Pretrial Bail & Holding Passports (4-3-2018)
Survey - Protocol for Probation Assisting Police (3-27-2018)
Survey - Self Defense Instructors (3-23-2018)
Survey - Long Guns Policy (3-13-2018)
Survey - Sex Offender Caseloads (2-28-2018)
Survey - DUI RANT (2-23-2018)
Survey - UCM Backup Server (1-31-2018)
Survey - Soundproofing Office (1-26-2018)
Survey - Medical Marihuana Policy (1-17-2018)
Survey - ORAS Risk Assessment (1-16-2018)
Survey - Concealed vs. Non-Concealed Weapons (11-14-2018)
Survey - Gagnon I Hearing / County Cases (10-31-2018)
Survey - Gagon I Hearing / Special Probation / 325's (10-31-2018)
Survey - Arrest Training (10-29-2018)
Survey - Oversight of Pretrial Services (10-5-2018)
Survey - PO Carry/Use of Tasers (9-26-2018)
Survey - Body Cameras (9-21-2018)
Survey - Thinking for a Change (9-14-2018)
Survey - Specialized Collections Unit (8-29-2018)
Survey - Training Coordinator (8-8-2018)
Survey - Concealed Carry Permit (8-1-2018)
Survey - Drug Testing Fee (7-17-2018)
Survey - Gagnon Hearings (5-11-2018)
Survey - UCM Case Notes Access (4-27-2018)
Survey - Early Termination of Probation or CIP (4-24-2018)
Survey - Contact Requirements (4-23-2018)
Survey - Arrest Teams (4-18-2018)
Survey - ICOTS Application (4-13-2018)
Survey - Unionized Staff; On-Call Stipends (4-11-2018)
Survey - Pretrial Bail & Holding Passports (4-3-2018)
Survey - Protocol for Probation Assisting Police (3-27-2018)
Survey - Self Defense Instructors (3-23-2018)
Survey - Long Guns Policy (3-13-2018)
Survey - Sex Offender Caseloads (2-28-2018)
Survey - DUI RANT (2-23-2018)
Survey - UCM Backup Server (1-31-2018)
Survey - Soundproofing Office (1-26-2018)
Survey - Medical Marihuana Policy (1-17-2018)
Survey - ORAS Risk Assessment (1-16-2018)
2017 Topical Survey Results: (click on survey title for summary document)
Survey - CRN & Safe Driving School (12-6-2017)
Survey - Bank Caseload/Administrative Caseload (11-22-2017)
Survey - Elder Court (11-6-2017)
Survey - Drug Testing Children & Youth (11-1-2017)
Survey - Credit Jail Days (9-26-2017)
Survey - Sex Offender Programs (9-11-2017)
Survey - Electronic Monitoring /House Arrest (8-29-2017)
Survey - Ignition Interlock Limited License (8-18-2017)
Survey - Firearms and Psychological Evaluations (8-10-2017)
Survey - Bail Supervision Fee (7-20-2017)
Survey - Collections Process (6-23-2017)
Survey - Magisterial District Judges & DUS (6-23-2017)
Survey - Children in Probation Building (6-12-2017)
Survey - Revocation Hearing Representation (5-8-2017)
Survey - Bank Caseload/Administrative Caseload (11-22-2017)
Survey - Elder Court (11-6-2017)
Survey - Drug Testing Children & Youth (11-1-2017)
Survey - Credit Jail Days (9-26-2017)
Survey - Sex Offender Programs (9-11-2017)
Survey - Electronic Monitoring /House Arrest (8-29-2017)
Survey - Ignition Interlock Limited License (8-18-2017)
Survey - Firearms and Psychological Evaluations (8-10-2017)
Survey - Bail Supervision Fee (7-20-2017)
Survey - Collections Process (6-23-2017)
Survey - Magisterial District Judges & DUS (6-23-2017)
Survey - Children in Probation Building (6-12-2017)
Survey - Revocation Hearing Representation (5-8-2017)